
The CRC for Honey Bee Products Ltd company was formed on 23rd August 2017 and closed on 31st October 2022.

The company was managed by a Board of five and a CEO.

As per the requirements of the CRC Program, there were more independent than industry Directors, and the Chair was independent.

The Board met each quarter and presented the year’s performance to the Participants at the Annual General Meeting.

The CRC ran with a tight management team.

Left to right: Dr Liz Barbour (CEO), Mr Paul McKenzie (Independent Chair), Ms Margie Thomson (Independent Director), Dr Ben McKee (Industry Director), Mr Antony Cull (Independent Director), Mr Gin Wah Ang (Industry Director)
Paul McKenzie

Mr Paul McKenzie Independent Chair

Mr McKenzie is a professional agribusiness consultant and Company director. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Non-Executive Chair of Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers Ltd (ASX: KPT), Non-Executive Chair of Hay Australia Pty Ltd, Director of SALIC Australia Pty Ltd, Director of Minbos Resources Ltd (ASX: MNB), and Managing Partner of Agrarian Management, a leading Western Australian agriculture consultancy with offices in Geraldton, Perth and Esperance. Mr McKenzie has over 30 years experienceurrently in agribusiness, management, finance and primary production. He is a director of the Rural Financial Counselling Service (WA), which administrates a federally funded program for rural adjustment under the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Mr McKenzie is a past President of the Australian Association of Agricultural Consultants (WA) Inc, and a Ministerial Appointee to various agribusiness review and advisory panels. He was the founding Chairman of Gage Roads Brewing Co from a private Company in 2003 to ASX listing in December 2006 and resigned in May 2008. Mr McKenzie is KPMG’s WA Agribusiness Specialist for mergers and acquisitions, advisory and reconstruction appointments.

Gin Wah Ang

Mr Gin Wah Ang Industry Director

Gin Wah Ang is the CEO and partner of Yanchep Beach Joint Venture, and the Managing Director of Yanchep SunCity Pty Ltd and Tokyu Corporation (Australia). Gin has a First Class Honours Degree in Architecture from Curtin University, and an Executive Master of Business Administration from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). His work has been featured in world-renowned publications such as Global Architecture (GA), Urbanism + Architecture, and the Japan Institute of Architects’ Quarterly. He has lectured at the prestigious SCI-ARC School of Architecture in Los Angeles, Waseda University in Tokyo, Yokohama National University in Yokohama, and the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. He was awarded the UNESCO Award for Innovation (Asia Pacific Region) and the URA National Architectural Heritage Award for his project in Singapore. Gin is committed to creating a sustainable city at Yanchep/Two Rocks, employing contemporary thinking in urban design, the deployment of clean technologies, and integrating people and functions in a natural and liveable environment. He believes public and private institutions can work together to achieve world-class benefits for Western Australia.

Benjamin McKee

Dr Benjamin McKee Industry Director

Dr Ben McKee is the Chief Operating Officer of Hive & Wellness Australia Pty Ltd (HWA), which is proudly the largest purchaser of honey in Australia and the packer and marketer of leading honey brands - Capilano Honey, Barnes Naturals and Wescobee. Dr McKee is also a Director of two joint-venture apiary operations and the Australian Manuka Honey Association and has over 15 years of management experience in an FMCG Agricultural business. Dr McKee is a 5th generation beekeeper, has a Bachelor of Agricultural Science Degree (Honours), a PhD in a field related to the honey industry and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Margaret Thomson

Ms Margaret Thomson Independent Director

Ms Thomson is the Chief Executive Officer of an industry association representing Australian manufacturers based in Canberra. With postgraduate qualifications in economics and agricultural economics, Margie has extensive management experience in marketing, policy, advocacy and R&D program management, both in Australia and internationally. Margie has worked for a wide range of organisations including the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation and the National Farmers’ Federation and has served on numerous Boards and Advisory Councils – including the National Rural Advisory Council, the Poultry CRC and the Australian Industry Greenhouse Network. Margie has a Bachelor of Agricultural Economics (University of Sydney) and a Master of Economics from the University of New England.

Antony Cull

Mr Antony Cull Independent Director

Antony has significant international commercial experience having held senior operational and financial roles in SE and East Asia for Tate & Lyle PLC, a UK multinational corporation, as well as a Director for Tate & Lyle Group subsidiaries and related companies. Tony is also a Non-Executive Director of Chorus Australia Limited, an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative Ltd, an Independent Non-Executive Director of Hay Australia Pty Limited, an Independent Chair of Kalyx Australia Pty Ltd and a Director of The Future Food Systems Cooperative Research Centre. Mr Cull holds a Bachelor of Business and an MBA from Curtin University is a Member of CPA Australia and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Dr Liz Barbour CEO, Research Manager and Company Secretary

Dr Barbour has in-depth experience in managing research for industry, Government and universities. She has undertaken the Director’s course and managed the CRC from concept, bid and through to closure.

Nexia Australia Auditor

Elementary Law Pty Ltd Legal

Mill Point Accounting Accounting

Wrays Intellectual property, Trademark and Patent Attorneys